tips to success  
Here are some tips to keep you sharp and ready to serve the top tennis players with utmost professionalism. For those trying-out for the first time, these tips may help you get the edge you need to earn a spot on the ballcrew. And for the veterans, a little refresher is always welcomed to support your experience!
Sounds simple, but it's amazing how easy it is to lose track of the score. The best way to stay on top of the situation is to ask yourself during the point, "If this player wins the point, where do the balls go? And if the other player wins, where do they go?" With these questions already answered before the points is over, you will have the knowledge required to swiftly relay the balls to their correct location ahead of the player’s request!
Special Three Steps To Success! Whether you are at the returner’s side or server’s side, this simple three-step check will ensure you are always serving the player first. First, look at the player on your side to serve them either a ball or provide them with their towel. Second, check the net person to send / receive balls accordingly. Third, if you are at the back and have four tennis balls, split one ball to your back partner. Regardless of which position you are on the court, the player is always first!
If you’re at the net, you control everything! That means you must be on the top of your game and knowing where each of the 6 balls are at all times is key. As soon as each point is over, scan each of the four back people to make sure no balls are out of position. If they are, work to transfer them quickly and efficiently. By doing this scan after each point, you will grasp full knowledge of the court and know where the balls need to be positioned for the next point.
Transferring balls quickly across the court is key, especially since there is very little time between points. We use rapid fire to send multiple balls across the court in a clean and efficient manner. Instead of waiting for your partner to catch the first ball before throwing the next one, engage “rapid fire” to send balls swiftly one after another. It is important to make sure the balls are tossed at a rate that is quick enough to achieve utmost efficiency, while slow enough to provide your partner enough time to catch them cleanly.
Knowing the players’ on-court habits will allow you to serve them at a higher level of professionalism and efficiency. Notes such as, the side they routinely take balls from, do they like their towel after each point, if they win the point is the same ball wanted back, are some typical habits that players exhibit during a match. By knowing the players, you will be able to anticipate their needs and be a half-step ahead. As a general rule, most players do not want the same ball they just played with for the next point, so switching-up the balls prior to feeding them one for the next point is usually a good start to anticipating their needs.
Enjoy yourself out there! The time you spend on-court with the best tennis players in the world can feel very short. But, by working hard and staying focused, you will be more alert, efficient, and have an experience of a lifetime that will be much more engaging and memorable!
Set of Tennis Balls